Thursday, 16 February 2012

EvaJohanna studios!

Bad me for not posting anything for ages... Have loads that will show up here quite soon I hope, but for now I will start presenting some of my friends who do amazing stuff suited for the SCA (sorry Agnes dear, but your rockabillystore Like a Lady may have the name for SCA, but not the clothes ;-)).
First up is the amazingly talented Johanna, who last year moved to Germany for love and live on her craftsmanship, a true artist who makes everything from jewelry to photos and other art. Her style is quirky and personal, you know when you see one of her pieces that she is the woman behind it. Most of her works are custommade or made by vintage materials and every piece is unique. Be sure to check out her gorgeous laurel-necklace which also can be worn as a wreath, you can find it here (as the artist she is, she protects her photos so I couldnt nick it to show you here).

If you are in need of a truly unique coronet, she can make one of those for you too! You can see her work here and buy some at her Etsystore here, and do like her page at Facebook  if you want updates of her work!


  1. That stuff is GORGEOUS. If only my persona were wealthy enough to own/wear it...

  2. yup, gorgeous sums it up nicely!
